Rebecca Wilks

Rebecca Wilks; Photographer, Teacher, Yarnellian, Do-Gooder

Friday, June 28, 2013

Whole New Vistas

Peek-A-Boo Canyon

I spent last week with seven brand new friends, visiting locations I’d never seen, traveling 1800 miles through Southern Utah and drinking (really good) 3.2% beer.

Photo workshops are fabulous, and a good one like this gives everyone a chance to get out of our creative and physical comfort zones without any actual panic.  That’s the goal, anyway.  Just like Danica Patrick, “I never do anything out of my comfort zone.” Yeah, right.

I’d never met Kerrick James, our leader, though I’d seen his breathtaking work and I did pursue due diligence with some people we have in common.  He got great reviews, and was a delightful leader.

So, some of my favorite shoots;

Kanarra Canyon, a sometimes narrow rift with waterfalls and ladders.  I waited a couple of hours for the light in this spot, and I’m glad I did.

The Temple of the Moon in Capital Reef National Park.  I loved the moonlight and the Little Dipper.  This one was worth shaving my sleep to 4 hours for.  I think.

The striations and layers of Arches National Park, which lend themselves so well to a Black and White treatment.

I’m already planning my return.

More images are on the website